- Merri-bek compost products
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- Replacement Bokashi bucket (from $55 with discount code MB50)
Replacement Bokashi bucket (from $55 with discount code MB50)
Ideal as a second bokashi bucket for someone already running a bokashi system or someone who is making their own bokashi activator. Includes EM bucket, drainage tray, tap, lid, instructions, but no bokashi activator/innoculant.
Bokashi activator required - sold separately
Please check Merri-bek Ts&Cs on the Merri-bek ordering overview page to make sure you are eligible and using the right code.
Read the full product information here: https://www.compostcommunity.com.au/our-bokashi-bins.html
The 20L Bokashi Bin is designed to sit inside your home in a suitable and convenient area such as under a sink.
Please read our shipping terms and information before checking out
Terms and conditions:
Subsidised orders will not be approved unless the Merri-bek baseline questionnaire has been completed. Address in survey must match billing address in checkout.
Please read the Worm Policy and shipping terms and information before checking out
Moreland Ts&Cs and subsidy conditions can be found on the Merri-bek ordering overview page.
Make sure you read our Bokashi Essentials Guide to get the most out of your bokashi system.
EM bokashi carrier mix:
The 80 different microorganisms in the bokashi activator mix are at the core of the sucess of a bokashi system. These microbes are dormant in a carbon-rich carrier mix. Shelf life is 2-3 years for dormant mix.
If you do not purchase a bokashi activator, you will need to either make your own or source your own. Bokashi systems will not work without the 80 microorganisms essential to the process.
Be wary of 'off the shelf' liquids. Living liquids generally have a two week shelf life before the microbes run out of food and die. We ferment our liquid fresh on site and provided instructions to keep feeding it and keep it alive for a 'bottomless bokashi' activator.